After years of diligent efforts by a group of visionaries of the next day, through existing structures (EKETA, Technological Park of Thessaloniki), with careful and decisive steps and the help of the State, the realization of the first 4th Generation Technology Park in our country.

For this purpose, the “ThessINTEC Business Park Development Company AE” (ThessINTEC) and the core of the Working Group, headed and coordinated by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, have been established. and Managing Director Mr. Nikos Efthimiadis, is intensively active in promoting this important project as quickly as possible.

ThessINTEC aspires to bring together innovative research activities from the private sector and knowledge and research intensive bodies, such as Universities, EKETA etc., providing a modern and safe environment in every respect, promoting synergies and utilizing the rich scientific potential of the wider region, but also the other comparative advantages it offers. Within the framework of the first phase of the project, the implementation, through the construction of the relevant infrastructure, of six Mega Projects is foreseen:

  • MP1 Advanced materials and industrial production processes
  • MP2 Applications of flexible organic materials Nanotechnology
  • MP3 Artificial Intelligence and Simulation Applications
  • MP4 Innovative clean energy solutions
  • MP5 Development of skills for integration of innovative solutions in business and the supply chain

 MP6 Mobility technologies and applications of the future

In the context of the present, a detailed presentation of the legal framework, which existed, but also was created in concreto for the realization of the project, is attempted.

With article 18 of Law 4690/2020, an area of ​​approximately 760 acres was transferred from the Greek State to “Alexandria Zone Innovation SA” (AZK SA, fully owned by the Greek State), with the sole purpose of establishing ThessINTEC, as a 4th generation International Technology Park, in accordance with the provisions of article 41 et seq. of Law 3982/2011. For the realization of the purpose, it was foreseen that AZK SA would grant to ThessINTEC, for 99 years, the surface right on the specific area, as this right is regulated in Law 3986/2011, with certain special regulations and derogations.

Article 71 of Law 4712/2020 provided for the establishment by notarial document of ThessINTEC, as an anonymous private sector, special purpose company. As defined in this article, the company will operate according to the rules of the private economy and will be governed by the provisions of the specific article, those of article 18 of Law 4690/2020 and additionally by the legislation on limited companies, i.e. Law 4548/2018. The particularly important differentiation of the company from other limited companies in the private sector concerns its purpose, which is defined as “non-profit, as far as its shareholders are concerned, as well as public benefit, and the transfer of its shares will take place in the registered value them”. Therefore, it became absolutely clear from the beginning and from the Law, that the shareholding in the company indicates the intention of creative engagement and contribution to the realization of its purposes and in no case to the achievement of profit.

In the context and in accordance with the above and Law 3982/2011, in August 2020 “EANEP ThessINTEC SA” was established. 58% of its capital belongs to entities and businesses of the Private sector (SBE, SEVE and Donor Enterprises), while the remaining 42% to entities of the Public sector (AZK SA, EKETA, AZK, Municipality of Thermaikos and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, International Hellenic University and University of Macedonia). Participation in the company’s Board of Directors is similar. The purpose of the company is the establishment, development and management of a Special Type Business Park and specifically, a 4th generation International Technology Park.

This was followed by the establishment of the surface right between AZK SA and ThessINTEC, with the signing of the relevant notarial document, and today various actions (assignments/studies, etc.) are proceeding in parallel, for the preparation of the project’s licensing file.

As a conclusion, it must be emphasized that the financing of the entire project will not absorb state resources and the efforts to find the necessary funds from other agencies and sources (European Programs, donations, sponsorships, etc.) are currently yielding positive results.