The interconnection of Universities with businesses and the utilization of research results and scientific knowledge in the production process, as well as in the operation and development of Greek businesses is a “bet”, which can lead to beneficial collaborations and win-win solutions and on both sides involved.

The possibility of exploiting and generally exploiting the research results of the faculty members of the Greek Universities is provided in principle through the Special Accounts of these Research Funds.

The Special Accounts of Research Funds of Greek Universities, also known as “Research Committees” or “ELKE”, have in the majority of them special units for innovation, development and project planning, which support the faculty members and the staff of the HEI, in particular, in terms of:

The interconnection of the academic community and businesses in order to provide targeted applied research.

The vesting of intellectual property rights in the Industrial Property Organization (patents, utility model certificates, etc.) and/or in the European Patent Office.

The provision of assistance and legal support regarding the drawing up of cooperation agreements with non-university bodies / actors for the joint exploitation of intellectual property.

The results of the research activity carried out in Greek Universities can be utilized through a series of technology transfer “tools”, which must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the optimal solution chosen for each specific case.

Technology Transfer Agreements

The transfer and utilization of the research results of the projects implemented in the university area is possible – among others – through the conclusion of Technology Transfer Agreements, allowing the collaboration and partnership of university and researchers with industry and businesses, to improve their products and services, the creation of new methods, software and means for their improvement. The conclusion of technology transfer contracts allows the Universities, through these ELKEs, to make possible the commercial exploitation of specific research results and the inflow of funds from the collection of royalties through the relevant ELKEs, for the benefit of the University and the creator of the research project in question. A prerequisite for entering into a technology transfer contract is the prior registration of intellectual property (via a patent), for optimal protection of the invention and the non-retrospection of claims by third parties regarding the invention protected by the patent.

Knowledge-intensive business companies – Technoblasts (???)

Another useful and widespread means of exploiting research results is the participation of universities in knowledge-intensive enterprises or spin-off companies.

The establishment of technoblasts or spin off companies is subject to the provisions of the P.D. 17/2001, as amended by Law 3777/2009 and Article 11 par. 2 c’ of Law 2919/2001, as amended by Article 4 of Law 3440/2006 and in force. Spin-off companies are companies, which are set up for the purpose of commercial exploitation of the intellectual property of a Higher Education Institution, with the participation of members of the academic community, who participated in the general development of intellectual property.

As the purpose of the P.D. 17/2001 defines the encouragement of the creation and development of new business activities in Greece, for the implementation of innovative business plans and the exploitation of the knowledge produced in research laboratories, technological bodies as well as in production units in Greece and abroad, by persons of high level of technical and scientific education, with the assistance of experts in business operations, production units and private financial organizations.

In the provisions of the P.D. 17/2001 may join: (a) natural and legal persons who have know-how for the production of new products or the provision of knowledge-intensive services (b) knowledge production bodies, (c) companies founded by the above with or without the assistance of third parties, such as financial organizations, management and management consultants, manufacturing and any other type of business, (d) science and technology park companies, (e) venture capital companies and other financial organizations.

Accordingly, to the beneficiaries provided for in article 3 par. 1 of the P.D. 17/2001 includes the AEIs, the research centers, the teaching and research staff members of the above, the researchers, the special functional scientists, their technical staff, the collaborating and visiting researchers, as well as postgraduate students.

According to a decision of the Court of Auditors (no. 899/2017) it has been legislated that for the financing of technoblast companies, the main feature of which is the utilization and development of primary research activities, with the aim of making innovative products and services available on the domestic and international market, it is required the submission, on behalf of the company under financing, of a file, which necessarily includes the natural and legal persons who will collaborate in the company, the phases and the time of participation of each of them, elements that determine the personal composition, the scientific excellence of the artificial plant, but also the physical object to be implemented, which, due to its close connection with the carrier of know-how, cannot be separated from the subject who performs it.

The business proposal of the techno-offspring forms the basis for drawing up the relevant contract between the financed enterprise and the Minister of Development, who, accepting the relevant proposal, essentially approves the financing. The Ministry covers exclusively the costs mentioned in the contract, provided that they are in line with the approved business proposal of the technobotanist. Thus, the terms of the contract and the business proposal bind the companies that implement such programs. The corresponding costs are paid, as long as they are covered by the drawn up contract and are provided for in the business proposal of the technoplant, as accepted by the Minister of Development. Otherwise, the costs not covered by the contractual object are forfeited according to article 6 par. 1 of the P.D. 17/2001 of legal cause and are sought as unduly paid.

The spin-off companies or techno-sprouts, taking advantage of the knowledge produced and the research results of the research laboratories and research groups of the Universities, aim to exploit the research results inside and outside the borders and to transform and transform the innovative research ideas into technologically innovative products or technologically innovative processes and procedures.

The exploitation of research results can also take place through techno-sprout, with the assignment of technology utilization rights by the HEI. The main difference between a normal business and a spin-off is that the driving force of the spin-off is initiated by the faculty member/researcher and not by an investor/entrepreneur, as is usually the case in commercial enterprises, and usage rights are usually assigned (royalties) to the relevant ELKE.

Legal certification of agreements – partnerships

Partnerships and synergies between pockets of innovation on the one hand and astute entrepreneurs and investors on the other who look for and select specific ones among more research ideas, to provide their practical support to those that will “make the difference” and be able to survive in an international competitive environment , demonstrate the feasibility and necessity of fortifying these partnerships with the appropriate legal clothing that will allow the sustainability and future development of the synergy between the university and private individuals.

The parallel fortification with non-compete clauses, confidentiality, protection of intellectual property and the provision for the further utilization and any additional parameters of exploitation of the intellectual property that may arise during the implementation and production in practice, can contribute to optimal utilization of the research results and the protection of the contracting parties, with the aim of the sustainability and development of the cooperation.

Financing programs and tools

Synergies between Universities, research centers and companies are also achieved and facilitated through financial tools and programs (Ministry of Finance and other Ministries), within the framework of which cooperation programs are implemented between university and research institutions on the one hand and private companies on the other.

In fact, during the programming period 2014-2020, the GHET in the framework of the formulation of the Strategic Research and Innovation for Smart Specialization (RIS3), which was a precondition for the financing of investments for Research, Technological Development and Innovation , used as a key tool for the planning of the Strategy, “Business Discovery”, i.e. the identification of business opportunities through the exploitation of the possibilities offered by research and innovation and their transformation into a competitive advantage.

The purpose of the national Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) is the focused productive reconstruction of the country with research, technological development and innovation as a key pillar to alleviate regional inequalities and create sustainable employment with respect for people and society, the environment and in culture, aiming – among other things – to create the appropriate conditions for the effective utilization of the country’s human resources.

Thessaloniki – a center of research and innovation

Three Higher Educational Institutions are based in Thessaloniki, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the International University of Greece, in which the three Technological Εducational Ιnstitutions (ATEITH, T.E.I. .K.M., T.E.I.A.M.Th.) and the University of Macedonia, which through the Special Funds Accounts, have all the necessary tools and means to achieve effective and flexible partnerships highlight and leverage the excellence and research results of their academic staff and members of their project teams, through synergies that invest in knowledge and innovation.

And the contribution of the research centers based in the city, with EKETA in particular, is decisive for the optimal exploitation of research and innovation partnerships and the achievement of added value that leaves its mark on the market and the economy.

The interconnection of all the above becomes necessary and is fed back by the positive climate created in the wider area of ​​Thessaloniki in view of the establishment and development of Thess-INTEC, which will be the first 4th generation Technology Park in the wider area. The “bet”, therefore, for the introduction of Thessaloniki on the international map of research & innovation areas is ante portas and must be won.